Herbs & Botanicals

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Asileo Seeds are Garden Cress seeds belonging to the Cruciferae family. The seeds are small and sharp in shape. It is red and brown. It has a tangy and peppery flavour.

It is popularly known as Aliv or Halim seeds in India and is a used culinary vegetable.

Basil seeds have a gelatinous texture when it is soaked in liquid. Basil seeds, when soaked, are used as a filling drink that helps to curb the appetite when you consume them before meals. Use it with an alternative sweetener, then. It reduces calories.

Black Himaj is called Terminalia Chebula and Chebulic Myrobalan. It is the specie of Terminalia. The crop is native to south Asia and cultivated in India, Nepal, Southwest China, Srilanka, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

Black Himaj has extraordinary healing powers. It is also called Kali Harad, Choti Harad, Bal harad, and Laghu Harad.

Cassia Tora is a wild crop belonging to the Caesalpinaceae plant family and genus Cassia. Also known as Jue Ming Zi seeds in China. It was highly important and valued in ancient China.

Seeds are bold, small, and shiny. It occurs throughout India as a weed. Leaves, flowers, and fruits are illustrated. It is sweet, bitter, and salty in flavor. Cold in nature helps in cooling down the body.

It grows in tropical regions and is commercially supplied from Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh states.

Casa Tora is a legume called Sickle Pod, Coffee Pod, Tovara Chakvad, Foetid Cassia, and Sickle senna.

The crop is cultivated in South East Asia and South West Pacific as an important weed. The plant is an herbaceous and annual fetid herb. The plant grows to 12 to 35 in tall and has pinnate leaves with leaflets up to 3 to 5 cm long. Stems have distinct foliage. Flowers occur in pairs, inside the axils of leaves, and it’s pale yellow.

Casa Tora Yellow flowers occur in pairs with stamens, producing flattened or four angled pods in sickle shape. One pod has 30 to 50 seeds. Seeds, roots, and leaves are all used for modern herbal medicines.

Celery Leaf roots and stalks are used as vegetables across the world. The Celery seeds are used as spice or flavor celery salt, ground, or mixed with salt.

Celery is an important ingredient in Chinese, European and Indian Cuisine.

It has a subtle flavor, with no rancidity or mustiness.

Chia seeds are regarded as one of the world’s healthiest foods! They are bursting with nutrients that are good for both your body and mind. Chia seeds were a crucial meal that the Aztecs and Mayans both consumed in large quantities. Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from a desert plant that is part of the mint family. They are amazingly versatile – they are grindable and excellent at forming gels.

Uses and Benefits

Chia Seeds are incredibly easy to incorporate into your diet since they don’t have a particularly strong taste. Add them to your oatmeal, yogurt, pudding, baked goods & more to dramatically boost their nutritional value.

Dry Rose Petals

Roses are useful, and dried rose petals in particular can be used in a variety of amazing things. They offer color to indoor decorations, a seductive scent to potpourri and satin sachets, and beautiful confetti for weddings.

There are various ways that dried rose petals are good for your health and appearance. In addition to having a nice calming perfume, they also contain vitamins and antioxidants that can help soothe and repair skin.

Flax seeds are commonly known as Linseed. It is a fiber crop that is cultivated in lower average temperatures. Flax seeds are grown in well-drained soils and sunny weather in Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat in India.

Galangal belongs to the Zingiberaceae family / Ginger Family. It is a perennial plant that grows up to 150cm in height. It is dark brown-reddish and fleshy rootstock.

Heena Leaves the botanical name s Lawsoniantermix and is known as al-henna, Jamaica mignonette, mehndi, smooth Lawsonia, and Heena al-Khanna.

Henna Leaves are used for conditioning and colour properties. Henna leaves have vast applications.

Heena’s botanical name s Lawsoniantermix and is known as al-henna, Jamaica mignonette, mehndi, smooth Lawsonia, and Heena al-Khanna.

Henna powder is used for conditioning and colour properties. Henna leaves have vast applications.

Moringa is a vital food source in many parts of the world. The Moringa Leaves retain Vitamins and Minerals after drying. It is used in feeding programs in Africa and India to fight malnutrition. Moringa Leaves are used and cooked like spinach. The dry Moringa Leaves are powdered to use as condiments.

Moringa is a vital food source in many parts of the world. The Moringa Leaves retain Vitamins and Minerals after drying, which are used to make Moringa Powder. It is used in feeding programs in Africa and India to fight malnutrition. Moringa Leaves are used and cooked like spinach. The dry Moringa Leaves as powder is powdered to use as condiments.

Pellitory Root, also known as Pyrethrum Roots and Akarkara Roots, is a unique Ayurvedic Herb. It has been a tonic and a remedy since ancient times to treat the nervous system.

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