Basil seeds have a gelatinous texture when it is soaked in liquid. Basil seeds, when soaked, are used as a filling drink that helps to curb the appetite when you consume them before meals. Use it with an alternative sweetener, then. It reduces calories.
Psyllium Husk is the coating of Mucilage of seed. It is pure dietary fiber and is only part of the plant used for manufacturing Psyllium products.
The Psyllium husk is composed of fiber called Hemicellulose, a complex carbohydrate found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The Hemicellulose is indigestible but broken down in color and friendly to the intestinal flora.
Casa Tora is a legume called Sickle Pod, Coffee Pod, Tovara Chakvad, Foetid Cassia, and Sickle senna.
The crop is cultivated in South East Asia and South West Pacific as an important weed. The plant is an herbaceous and annual fetid herb. The plant grows to 12 to 35 in tall and has pinnate leaves with leaflets up to 3 to 5 cm long. Stems have distinct foliage. Flowers occur in pairs, inside the axils of leaves, and it’s pale yellow.
Casa Tora Yellow flowers occur in pairs with stamens, producing flattened or four angled pods in sickle shape. One pod has 30 to 50 seeds. Seeds, roots, and leaves are all used for modern herbal medicines.
Sennas are purgatives that contain anthraquinone derivatives and their glucosides as active components. Sennosides or senna glycosides are the latter.
Senna works on the lower gut and is particularly effective at relieving constipation. It causes the colon’s peristaltic motions to intensify. Infusions are the most common way to prepare plants.
Senna is a genus of plants that includes herbs, shrubs, and trees. The leaves are pinnate, having leaflets that are oppositely paired. The inflorescences are racemes at the terminals of branches or sprouting from the leaf axils.
Cassia Tora is a wild crop belonging to the Caesalpinaceae plant family and genus Cassia. Also known as Jue Ming Zi seeds in China. It was highly important and valued in ancient China.
Seeds are bold, small, and shiny. It occurs throughout India as a weed. Leaves, flowers, and fruits are illustrated. It is sweet, bitter, and salty in flavor. Cold in nature helps in cooling down the body.
It grows in tropical regions and is commercially supplied from Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh states.
Wheat Grass is the young green grass of the wheat plant called Triticum Aestivum.
It is a natural source of Minerals and Vitamins.
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